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True free range pork and pure natural local honey. You can buy our honey, fresh pork, bacon, ham, salami, pepperoni and much more at the Farm 2 Fork Collective shop in Wooroolin.
Meat + Seafood


0487 298 436
Yanjala is a small-scale free range pig farm near Murgon, an hour inland from Gympie, Queensland (Australia).

We keep a very small herd of only 7 sows and 1 boar. All of our pigs are born, raised and lovingly cared for right here on our farm.

We believe in ethical farming methods, producing high quality true free range pork that is good for our bodies, good for the animals and good for our land.

Our beautiful pigs are completely free range; living outdoors, in the fresh air, on open pastures. They have the freedom to do what they love to do... run, dig, forage, wallow and most of all, socialise!

We have chosen to grow Wessex Saddleback pigs for our pork. Wessex Saddlebacks are a heritage breed pig, ideally suited for living in the outdoors and make wonderful paddock foragers.

We do not claim to be organic, however our pigs never receive additives, chemicals, hormones or antibiotics. Just real... natural... slow grown pork.

You can buy our honey, fresh pork, bacon, ham, salami, pepperoni and much more at the Farm 2 Fork Collective shop in Wooroolin.